Environmental Policy    


Integrity strives for a sustainable future and as such, the organisation is committed to minimising the impact on the environment from its business operations.

 Purpose & Scope

The purpose of this policy is to explain the general procedures relating to Environmental Policy

The following guidelines are to be adhered to by all managers, supervisors and employees.

 Policy & Procedure

To support this objective, we will:

  • Comply with applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations
  • Continually seek to improve the environmental performance of our business
  • Engage employees, clients and suppliers in reducing the organisations carbon footprint
  • Train appropriate employees in sustainability management
  • Maintain and support a Quality Manager.
  • Lead by example and aim to become advocates for sustainability in our sector
  • Encourage the development of innovative sustainable products and services
  • Adopt sustainable procurement practices
  • Actively encourage and support our suppliers to adopt sustainable practices
  • Measure and periodically report on our progress towards our sustainability goals
  • Use finite resources, including paper, energy, fuel and water as efficiently as possible

In particular we will:


  • Minimise our carbon footprint through reduction strategies
  • Promote energy efficiency to our employees, customers and suppliers


  • Minimise waste by evaluating procedures to ensure they are as efficient as possible
  • Actively promote recycling of paper, cardboard and other materials

This policy is explained and discussed at the general induction training given to all new employees and has been communicated to all current employees. All employees are expected to know what the environmental policy means to them and how it affects their job or position within the organisation.

Bryce Kertesz CEO,  21/05/2020

Health & Safety Policy


This WHS policy is a set of principles stated as commitment in which Integrity outline the long-term direction of the organisations to support and continually improve its WHS performance.

Purpose and Scope:

The purpose of this policy is to explain the general procedures relating to the WHS policy

The following guidelines are to be adhered to by all managers, supervisors and employees.

Policy & Procedure
This policy details how we will manage the health, safety and environment within the business.

Integrity aspire to zero harm to our people, our contractors, our visitors and the community in which we operate.  We have an overriding commitment to health and safety and we will not compromise our safety and environmental values.

The business will seek to adopt uniform best practices so to assist in reducing or eliminating non-compliance.  Adoption
of best practices will also assist in the protection of workers and others’ health and safety and the environment and maintain confidence in Integrity’s operations.

Through the systems, the business shall manage its health and safety by:

Creating and fostering a positive health and safety culture where health and safety is considered to be an integral part of our business;

  • Providing clear expectations to all personnel to engage and comply with the Health and Safety & Environmental Management System;
  • Systematically identifying environmental hazards and processes, potential risks and opportunities for improvement and to assess the risks these hazards represent and then establishing methods in order to eliminate or mitigate them;
  • Developing and implementing safety management programs to continually improve performance and realise opportunities for environmentally positive contribution;
  • Identifying, reporting, investigating and resolving all safety incidents and non-conformance with learning’s actioned, implemented and shared.
  • Seek continuous improvement in health and safety through rigorous examination of all activities, practices and incidents;
  • Maintaining, monitoring, reporting, reviewing, auditing and continual improvement of the Health and Safety Management System;
  • Meet all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements;
  • Establish and review meaningful and accurate measurable targets and objectives to facilitate continual improvement and communicating appropriately to our people;
  • Educating and training people to continually improve awareness, skills and knowledge;
  • Consult openly to enhance the effectiveness of the System and increase awareness;
  • Effectively implement this Policy through a process of consultation, communication, continual improvement and culture change and ensure it is available to the public;
  • Providing suitable and sufficient resources to implement and maintain the System.

This Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate.

Bryce Kertesz, CEO  21/05/2020

Quality Policy


Integrity has guidelines for all employees regarding Quality Policy

Purpose & Scope

The purpose of this policy is to explain the general procedures relating to Quality Policy

The following guidelines are to be adhered to by all managers, supervisors and employees.

Policy & Procedure

The business is engaged in locksmith and security product supply & install, and this policy applies to all of our divisions throughout the organisation.

The purpose of this policy is to confirm our commitment to meeting the quality standards expected by our customers in the delivery of the products and/or services that we supply to them.

Our quality system is based on the requirements of ISO 9001

Our quality objectives are to:

  • Use the Quality Management System as a tool in achieving best practice outcomes across the organisation;
  • Ensure continuous improvement.

To implement this policy we shall focus on the needs of our business with particular reference to consistently meeting our customers’ requirements and statutory obligations. Our quality management system will provide mechanisms for detecting system shortfalls and for stimulating process improvements.

The business will adopt procedures and disciplines to ensure that:

  • The system is effectively implemented by undertaking relevant skills training and conducting appropriate quality awareness training;
  • Responsibilities for quality are established by communicating these responsibilities clearly to all employees;
  • The policy and procedures continue to be appropriate by initiating regular reviews to check its effectiveness and ongoing relevance, and the company regularly review the needs and expectations of our customers and initiate continuous improvement activities to meet these expectations.

Bryce Kertesz, CEO 21/05/2020